Other Initiatives for Climate Change Mitigation

To enrich and add color to people's lives while caring for the planet, the Onward Group is vigorously implementing initiatives for climate change mitigation and promoting business activities that pursue coexistence with the global environment.

Reduction of CO2 emissions by improving transportation efficiency

Onward Kashiyama has been implementing "Integrated Logistics" since March 2018. Main logistics operations overseas, which were previously handled separately by suppliers and sewing factories, are concentrated at the warehouses of four sites in Asia for efficient import of products to Japan. Promotion of "Integrated Logistics" has led to reduced frequency of domestic transportation to stores in Japan.

Moreover, we are promoting digital transformation of business processes. For example, we abolished the use of paper slips as a result of our development of a platform for product inventory data management and transportation management using IC tags.

We are working to reduce CO2 emissions by improving transportation efficiency, which also results in energy saving.

  • Hanger containers for imports

  • Loading using the hangar rail system

  • Gate for cartons with IC tags

Sites for "Integrated Logistics" overseas

Shanghai Area Integrated Logistics Warehouse,
Dalian Integrated Logistics Warehouse,
Qingdao Integrated Logistics Warehouse

Nhon Trach Integrated Logistics Warehouse (near Ho Chi Minh City)

Reducing environmental impacts of shopping bags

Marine pollution and the impact on marine ecosystems due to plastic waste are global issues. In order to reduce plastic waste emissions, the Onward Group is step by step ceasing to use plastic bags as it switches to paper bags. In the case of certain plastic bags that cannot be replaced, eco-friendly plastic materials are used. We are promoting business operations that impose the minimum environmental burden.

Forest Conservation Initiatives at Tosayama Onward Rainbow Forest

In April 2021, Onward Holdings entered into a partnership agreement with Kochi Prefecture, the City of Kochi, and the Kochi City Forestry Association for the fifth term of the Collaborative Forest Restoration project promoted by Kochi Prefecture. Under the agreement, Onward Holdings will continue its forest conservation initiatives at Tosayama Onward Rainbow Forest until 2024. In November 2008, Onward Holdings became the first company in the apparel industry to sign a partnership agreement for forest conservation. Ever since, for 12 years in four terms, we have been conducting forest conservation initiatives, including thinning, at the partnership forest in Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture (approx. 45 hectares for the first and second terms, approx. 69 hectares for the third term, and approx. 80 hectares for the fourth term), which we named Tosayama Onward Rainbow Forest, in cooperation with members of the local community. The expiration of the partnership agreement prompted us to enter into a new three-year agreement. We will continue pursuing initiatives to ensure the forest flourishes while also cultivating opportunities for fruitful exchanges with the local community.

Materiality 1 Business activities that enable coexistence with the global environment and illuminate a path to the future