The Onward Group is aware that fulfilling its responsibilities to society, based on compliance, is a major management issue in its relationships with customers and other stakeholders. Accordingly, in 2004, the Group established the Onward Group Compliance Committee. This committee works to promote and strengthen compliance systems as well as establish and maintain good network relationships and communication with all stakeholders who are related in various ways to the Group's business operations. To this end, the Group has prepared the Onward Group Guidelines for Action to express its basic stance regarding compliance and related issues and provide guidelines for all staff members to follow.
We will work to be properly aware of the positions and views of all stakeholders and act conscientiously as members of society. We will also strive to create a work environment that is bright, dynamic, and easy to work in.
We will work to understand the needs of our customers and offer them fashionable products that respond to their needs. At the same time, we will endeavor to respond appropriately to our customers' complaints and requests.
To maintain fair and transparent relationships with our suppliers, we will assume a fair attitude toward all suppliers and request that they treat us fairly as well.
To maintain a healthy financial position, as the Group continues to grow and develop, we will adopt appropriate accounting policies and disclose management information to shareholders and investors appropriately and in a timely manner.
We will clearly separate our responsibilities as staff members from our personal lives and will not misuse the Group's tangible assets or leak to others or misuse the Group's intangible assets, including important internal information. This will apply to such information as private information related to customers and suppliers.
We will contribute to society through the medium of fashion while working at the same time to harmonize our activities with those of society. To fulfill our responsibilities for environmental preservation, we will also endeavor to provide products that reflect concern for the natural environment.