Onward Group's Raison D'etre

Raison D'être

Having defined its business domain as "a world of fashion that gives refreshment and beauty to people's lives," the Onward Group is committed to creating new lifestyles and values that contribute to the enrichment of people's lives by proposing "fashions" as a part of our living culture. At the same time, while always striving to enhance customer satisfaction, we have been doing our utmost to achieve our aspirations as an enterprise committed to satisfying all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, employees, business partners, and the communities we serve.

Based on our Group mission statement "Enriching and Adding Color to People's Lives while Caring for the Planet," we have defined our ideal corporate image as a "culture of life creating company." This corporate image reflects our desire to be a company that contributes to the creation of enriched and colorful lives of people in harmony with the planet through our existing management policy of "customer-centric management leveraging employees' diverse strengths."

About the Company Name

Our company name, "Onward," derives from a Christian hymn, "Onward, Christian Soldiers." "Onward" means "continuously advancing," expressing our spirit that relishes new challenges.