Collective Agreement / Rules of Employment / Legal Compliance

Collective Agreement

In order to maintain and improve working conditions and achieve corporate development from the standpoint of equality and cooperation between labor and management rooted in mutual and equal understanding and trust based on the spirit of labor law, the workers union and employer conclude a collective agreement and pledge to comply with it in good faith and to establish sound labor-management relations.

Rules of Employment

Based on the spirit of the Labor Standards Act, the Rules of Employment are for the purpose of respecting employees collectively and individually, in order to enhance their status and the quality of corporate management, maintain order, and ensure smooth operation of the business.

Safety and Health Management

We have established the Safety and Health Management Regulations and the workforce includes health officers, fire and disaster prevention managers, and other qualified persons to ensure a system for managing the safety and health of employees.

Prohibition of Discrimination

We have prohibited all forms of discrimination, whether based on ethnicity, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, physical disability, nationality, or any other factor.

Prohibition of Harassment

We recognize all employees as equal partners in the execution of duties, maintain equitable order and cooperative relationships in the workplace, and prohibit sexual harassment, power harassment, and harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, and nursing care in the workplace.

Freedom of Association and Recognition of the Right to Collective Bargaining

We comply with laws and regulations regarding freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining and support and respect such rights.

Prohibition of Forced Labor

We do not tolerate the use of violence, threats, or other means to force employees to work against their will.

Prohibition of Child Labor

We respect the rights of children and do not tolerate child labor.

Reduction of Overtime

We comply with laws and regulations, including the labor-management agreements on overtime ("36 Agreement (saburoku kyotei)") and strive to reduce overtime.

Operation of the Whistle Line

In accordance with the Onward Group Whistleblower Regulations, we establish and operate the Onward Group Whistle Line comprising internal and external contact points for communication of information and for reporting.

Health and Safety of Workers

In addition to complying with laws and regulations, we maintain a healthy and safe working environment conducive to employee wellbeing.

The Onward Group has established the Onward Driving Council to encourage safe driving and periodically holds seminars on safe driving for Group employees who need to drive in the course of their work.

Materiality 3 Workstyles that enhance and add color to employees’ lifestyle as well